Elias Adam
It’s Ophelia, Bitch, 2020, desktop performance
Stuck in front of her computer, Ophelia engages with the world through her screen, which becomes the medium for both the production and presentation of the work. In Hamlet, Ophelia is portrayed as a minor character who lacks the will of her own and seeks refuge in madness and eventually in suicide. The performance follows Ophelia’s struggle to find her own voice and interprets her madness as a means to express her Weltschmerz - her anger and her being without the patriarchal domination. The work references humanity’s current situation through the eyes of the female character that has been identified with grief, rage and despair - now interpreted through the lens of the ongoing demo-crisis and social injustice.
It's Ophelia, Bitch! is commissioned by Common Lab - Goethe-Institut Excellency Initiative by Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki & ArtBOX in collaboration with TIF-HELEXPO, Freiraum and Institute Hypewerk for Postindustrial Design, in the context of the State of the Arts.